I have a recs journal. I'm a bit undecided as to what to put here. Here is a list of general fandom recommendations for the time being.
inlovewithnight writes fic and meta for the Jossverse.
glossing writes fic and meta for the Buffyverse.
doyle_sb4 writes fic and runs communities for the Buffyverse.
kita0610 writes fic and meta for the Buffyverse.
dodyrecs - yeah, this is my fic recs and reviews journal.
dovil just makes me laugh.
su_herald - The Sunnydale Herald. "This journal is a newsletter for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel fans to keep up with their fandom. Six days out of the week we post links to what we find interesting in fandom on that day, including: a small selection of the day's quality fics, icons or graphics, various meta posts, and news. It is selective and we try our best to provide good links on a daily basis." This belongs to the mighty Spuzz (hails). I edit the Herald on Fridays and Saturdays.
mutant_allies "This community collects links to reviews, commentary, and analysis of Mutant Enemy productions - Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly."
crack_van "The crack_van propagates multi-fandom addiction through an exhaustive regimen of positive and negative reinforcement and mental cleansing. Not really! It's just a place to find everything you need to enjoy new fandoms without fear of bad!fic, WiPs or confusing scenarios.
The goal is a balanced and sustainable recs community serving all fandoms. Volunteers rotate on a monthly basis, and guarantee the community a minimum of one rec per week, of an outstanding fic in their fandom. All ratings, all pairings, het, gen and slash are all welcome."
metafandom This community links to interesting discussions in fandom, any fandom, on LiveJournal. This is my bouncing baby comm and I luff it! (omg!yes I do!) I say mine, I only update once a week really. Co-compilers Cathexys, Fabu and Makesmewannadie do all the hard work, bless 'em.
Fandom Slag fic links.
Doyle writes everyone: Hall of Mirrors
Subtile Pairings for the rare and bizarre ships.
Buffyverse1000 the journal of one thousand pairings!
Okay, okay, some character-centric links.
Wesley Fanfiction Wesley fanfiction archive (accepts submissions)
Realm of the Tweedy Book Guy Giles fanfiction archive (accepts submissions)
Slashing the Angel Angel slash archive (no submissions, but plenty of submissives)
Poor and Ugly.
There's this thing called writercon. I can't go because I am
poor and ugly just a natural rebel. But here are stories from many of the conventionals:
WriterCon Archive
And the vidders have one too. Again, poor and ugly. VividCon
De Nile.
Season 6: No Limits
You know what I love?
I love portals. They do cut down on the bookmarks so.
The Library Card
Now sonja marie's buffy links site has gone, I cling to the library card desperately.
Graphics links page
My arse is not pansy
Buffyology Essay portal.
Who recs the reccers?
Um, me apparently.
Wesleysgirl recommends
Ice Cream for Freaks
How long is a piece of meta?
Television Without Pity Where fuffles go to ker.
All Things Philosophical On Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel: the series. It's an acronym and a tonguetwister, yeah! Get your geek on.
Tea at the Ford I cannot navigate this site, but for those with larger brains than me, there's good stuff.
I'm just a masochist.
Schoolwork for fun and no qualifications, yay!
Slayage: the Online Academic Journal of Buffy Studies
The Annotated Buffy
The Fandom Project
Everything you ever needed to know about generic fandom life, and quite a bit you didn't.
Meta 1
Meta 2
The Top of the Crazy Tree
Headtilt Vids and um, headtilts.
Yet Another Buffy Site Choons and check out the links.
Tiny Cartoon Porn Not work safe.