
Sunday, 8th of May, 2005

- Woke up this morning with a burning desire to fit that goddamn clockwork plane in somewhere. Did that.
- Reordered this page and fiddled around for no good reason. I go now.
- Ooh, no! I made PDFs. If you want fics in PDF just email me.
- Okay, really going now.

Saturday 7th of May, 2005

- A whole new layout! Version 2 and version 2.1 were both only alive on my hard drive. Simpler, cleaner CSS and (hopefully) accessibility.
- Added access key navigation as follows:
fic index [f]
recs and links page [r]
home [h]
email [m]
updates [u]
notes [n]
- Added in descriptions and alts to images and links.

Wednesday 6th of April, 2005

- Added a fragments page for a continuing series of ficlets. So far it holds three untitled pieces.

Wednesday 16th of February, 2005

- Made an update page!
- Added Tace, a new fic.
- Made the text all lovely and scrolly. Tell me if you preferred it the other way.
- Fixed that horrid blue border round the graphic.
- Fixed the anchor tags in Notes and Acknowledgements um, I think.
- Made a firm resolution to add a print stylesheet at some point.